Wednesday, May 8, 2019

1865 Blog Appomattox Poem

April the second of 1865
A day in history that our minds will archive.
When Richmond left the Confederate's grasp
The Union seized victory at last.
The US had been ripped apart
the scraps left smoldering
in Lincoln's tired heart.
Richmond was ablaze in flames
a fire that left nothing to remain.
Saylor's creek on the 6th
broke Lee's army like it was a stick
thin and tired
been through too much
hesitant about the reality of giving up.
The pain of surrender stabbed Lee's heart
a pain more excruciating than a "thousand" departs.
He somberly marched to surrender the fight
April the ninth of 1865.
Terms were discussed at Appomatox
to sew and mend the US's fabric.
The seams were slashed and it's thread was frayed,
but it would be restored to how it was made.
Before the war
before the bloodshed
back to one country
once again.

1 comment:

the surrender stated sadly

today was the day the last day of the war for General Lee has surrendered we don't have to fight no more hour by hour a minute from...