Sunday, April 7, 2019

How to make Johnny Cake

I have been enlisted as a major for the Confederacy in the Civil War. We've been on the go for a while now in the war, and food shortage is becoming more common.  This is a big change from my easy, lavish lifestyle. When our food supply lines are cut off, we are forced to scavenge for something to eat. Nevertheless, I'm determined to pull through. I need to see my wife and kids again and preserve the Southern Way of life. I won't let Lincoln take that away from us. We need something to eat that will keep us alive and going, something that's not easily spoiled.  That's why we soldiers in the Confederacy munch on Johnny Cake. We also like to call it "journey cake" because while on the move or on our "journey" we can eat it. This is a famous recipe in the South, and today I'm going to show you how to make it yourself. If your lucky, you can add a half a teaspoon of sugar to sweeten things up a tad. Sugar can be a hard thing to come by in the war.

1 cup of cornmeal
3/4  tsp of salt
1 cup water
1/2  cup of milk
Bacon drippings

Directions: First, ya'll need to combine the cornmeal, salt, and sugar (if you've got it) into a bowl. Boil the water in a saucepan over your campfire, and then add it into the bowl. Stir the ingredients, and slowly add the milk little by little to make sure your batter isn't too runny. Heat bacon drippings in a skillet over your fire, and spoonful by spoonful drop the batter into the skillet. Fry the Johnny cakes til' they're nice and golden brown. 

Personally, I like eating it with jam or applesauce if it's available. Others I know like to sprinkle crumbs of it in their daily ration of coffee. Enjoy!

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the surrender stated sadly

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